National Skeet Shooting Association
National Sporting Clays Association

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Krieghoff All-American Points Race

Krieghoff All-American Points Race

The All-American selection committee’s first criteria for choosing teams, is the “Top 12 Shoots” points report. The report below lists the points earned from the 12 shoots which provide an individual with the most points in their category.

NOTE: The All American Committee has elected to limit the points given for the World and Mini-World shoots. Instead of using the real difficulty factor, the difficulty factor will be calculated based on the largest point shoot of the year other than the World/Mini-World. The Mini World will be set at 1.5 times this shoot’s value and the World will be set at 2 times this shoot’s value.

Shooters are not required to shoot any NSSA Standards for the purpose of NSSA Open All-American Team selection, however must shoot minimums for the Concurrent All American Teams.

NSSA Super Veteran All American Points Race
Unofficial Totals
Sub Junior Junior Triple Sub Sub Sub Senior Sub Senior
Senior Senior Veteran Super Veteran Veteran Open
Collegiate Lady Military Retired Military Military Veteran
First Responder
Last updated – Mar 25, 2025 (Updated the 1st and 15th)
Rank Member # First Name Last Name Total Points Minimums State
132117   MILTON  TYLER 6.00     TX
147880   PATRICK  RIZZO 4.00     PA