National Sporting Clays Association
National Sporting Clays Association

NSCA Governance Structure

NSCA’s Governance Structure is determined by the National Delegates and detailed in the current Rule Book, Section I-C-1, Page 9.


1. National Delegate: National Delegates shall consist of members in good standing to hold office as follows: National Delegates shall be bona fide residents of, and elected from, the various states of the United States and from the provinces, territories, or geographic subdivisions recognized by the Association. The ratio of one National Delegate for a member population of 25 to 150, two National Delegates for a member population of 151 to 300, three National Delegates for a member population of 301 to 500, four National Delegates for a member population of 501 to 750, and five National Delegates for a member population of over 750. This ratio of National Delegates to member population may be revised by a majority vote of the seated National Delegates in years ending in zero and five.

    a. Nominations. Nominations for the position of National Delegate shall be opened in July of odd numbered years for a period of no less than 21 calendar days. A member in good standing may self nominate, may be nominated by another member in good standing, or be a write in candidate. A nominated candidate must be endorsed in writing by five (5) current NSCA members in the state where he or she is a bona fide resident. The election of National Delegates shall be held in August of odd numbered years.

    b. Votes Needed for Election. A candidate for the position of National Delegate must receive the votes of five (5) NSCA members from the current state membership in order for the election to be valid.

    c. Term of Office. The term of office for all National Delegates shall be two (2) years. It shall begin on the first day of the target year following their election and shall end on the last day of the second target year after their election or until a successor has been elected in a valid election.

    d. Vacancies. Any National Delegate vacancies occurring among the various states, provinces, territories, or geographic subdivisions recognized by the association, shall be filled for the balance of the unexpired term. Persons receiving a minimum of five (5) votes in the last National Delegate election in the same state, province, territory, or geographic subdivision shall be eligible and will be invited to fill the vacancy in the order of the vote totals, highest number of votes first, or by a run-off ballot in the case of ties. If the vacancy cannot be filled by this process, a mid-term election shall be held within 45 days to fill the vacancy.

    e. Meetings. National Delegates shall meet annually during the National Championship. Notice of the time and place of the annual meeting shall be announced electronically and by mail at least 15 days prior to such meeting.

    f. Powers of National Delegates. All changes made in rules, regulations, and governance shall be decided by the National Delegates. All voting for changes in rules, regulations, and governance shall be by mail ballot. Where no state association exists, the National Delegates of that state shall also approve NSCA shoot dates and the location of the State Championship.

    g. Registered Targets. National Delegates are required to shoot a minimum of 500 registered targets each year, including the year immediately preceding their year of election. This requirement must be fulfilled by participation at registered tournaments, not league or monthly targets.

    h. Annually, the voting record of all National Delegates will be reviewed by the NSCA Executive Council. Any Delegate found to have missed more than one (1) vote during the previous year will be removed from office and replaced as outlined in section I-C-1-d. A Delegate that has been removed from office may not run again for a Delegate position in any State for the next term.

2. Advisory Council: The Advisory Council is composed of NSCA members exhibiting the highest devotion to the sport, the members, and the Association. There are 45 available positions, divided equally between representatives of Industry, Range Owners, and Shooters. No range owner/manager or industry company can have more than one representative on the Advisory Council at one time. The primary function of the Advisory Council is to promote and guide the Association and it has the responsibility to review and approve all committee recommendations to be made to the Executive Council.

    a. Eligibility. The Industry category is intended primarily for major manufacturers within the clay target sports to assist with the growth and promotion of our association. Every effort should be made to continue this practice when filling Industry positions. Any NSCA member who is a full-time employee, Promotion or Sales Representative, consultant or owner of a firm, company or corporation engaged in the manufacture of shotguns, ammunition and/or components, or any accessories/equipment used in the clay target sports is eligible for Industry category. Any NSCA member who derives the majority of their income by providing products or services to the clay target sports (except for Range Owners/Managers) or who is a full-time employee who represents an organization within our Industry is also eligible.

    b. Elections. Advisory Council Members will be elected by the National Delegates.

    c. Nominations. Nominations for positions on the Advisory Council shall be open in November of odd numbered years for a period of no less than 21 calendar days. Advisory Council candidates must be endorsed by five (5) current NSCA Members. Election of Advisory Council members shall be held in December of the odd numbered years.

    d. Votes needed for election. A candidate for the position of Advisory Council must receive a minimum of five (5) National Delegates votes.

    e. Term of Office. The term of office for all Advisory Council Members shall be two (2) years and shall begin on the first day of the target year following their election and end on the last day of the second target year after their election.

    f. Meetings. All Advisory Council members must attend the annual meeting (date determined by Executive Council) each year, and in addition, either the U.S. Open or the National Championship meeting, or lose his/her position on the Advisory Council.

    g. Registered Targets. Advisory Council members are required to shoot a minimum of 500 registered targets each year, including the year immediately preceding their year of election. This requirement must be fulfilled by participation at registered tournaments, not league or monthly targets. Range owners are required to shoot their eligibility targets at ranges other than their own.

    h. Committees. The Executive Council will establish advisory committees as deemed necessary consisting of National Delegates, Advisory Council members, and no more than one (1) member at large, to address the needs of NSCA governance and administration. A minimum of two members of the Executive Council shall serve on each.

    i. Attendance. Attendance at the annual meeting is mandatory. An absence from the mandatory meeting for illness or for good cause may be approved in advance of the meeting by the Chairman of the Executive Council. A member’s seat on the Advisory Council shall automatically be vacated when the attendance requirement set forth in this section is not met. An appointment will be made by the Executive Council within 30 calendar days. The nominee with the next highest number of votes (with a minimum of five (5) National Delegates votes) will be eligible for the appointment.

    j. Vacancies. Any Advisory Council vacancies occurring among the various categories, shall be filled for the balance of the unexpired term. Persons receiving a minimum of five (5) votes in the last Advisory Council election shall be eligible and will be invited to fill the vacancy in the order of the vote totals, highest number of votes first, or in alphabetic order by last name in case of ties. If the vacancy cannot be filled by this process, a mid-term election shall be held within 45 days to fill the vacancy.
    If a member of the Advisory Council from the range owner/manager or industry categories changes employment, they shall retain their position on the Advisory Council provided that they maintain their eligibility in the sector (range owner/manager or industry) they previously represented and provided that the range owner or industry company to which they are newly employed does not already have an employee on the Advisory Council.

3. Executive Council:

    a. Number of Executive Council Members. The Executive Council is elected from members of the Advisory Council, which have served a minimum of (2) consecutive years beginning January 1st of the new term of office, and is composed of seven (7) members: two representing industry, two representing range owners, two representing shooters, plus the last past chairman of the Executive Council not currently serving on the EC. The immediate past chairman may cast a vote in matters before the Executive Council only in case of a tie. The tenure of the last past Chairman may span terms of the EC (2 years) and does not count towards term limitations.

    In the event that a serving past Chairman is incapacitated or otherwise does not continue to the end of a term, the position will be offered to previous past Chairmen in order of their service (most recent first) or, if there isn’t one available or willing to serve, to previous Vice Chairman, in the same order.

    b. Elections. The Executive Council election will be held in conjunction with the annual winter meeting of the Advisory Council on even numbered years. Nominations for the Executive Council will be accepted, by written or printable electronic communication, between January 1st and January 15th, with the election to be the first order of business in the afternoon of the first day of the annual meeting. The Executive Council will elect annually a Chairman and Vice Chairman.

    c. Term of Office. Term of office of the Executive Council is two (2) years, to begin at the time of election of the annual Advisory Council meeting. Members of the Executive Council may not serve more than three (3) consecutive terms.

    d. Vacancies. Any vacancy occurring on the Executive Council shall be filled by an Advisory Council Member. An interim election will be conducted by the Director of the NSCA, for the balance of the unexpired term. Declaration of candidacy and balloting shall be conducted within 60 calendar days of the date the vacancy occurs.

    e. Meetings. The Executive Council shall meet quarterly. Meetings shall be held during the U.S. Open Championship, The National Sporting Clays Championship, the annual Advisory Council (date to be determined by the Executive Council), and at one additional site and time as may be selected by the Executive Council.

    f. Attendance. Attendance at the annual meeting and at least two of the remaining quarterly meetings will be mandatory. An absence from the mandatory annual meeting for illness or for good cause may be approved in advance of the meeting by the chairman of the Executive Council. A member’s seat on the Executive Council shall automatically be vacated when the attendance requirement set forth in this section is not met. An election will be held to fill the vacancy.

    g. Quorum. For purposes of conducting business of the association at any meeting, a quorum of the Executive Council shall consist of a majority of the elected members.

    h. Powers. The Executive Council shall be responsible for establishing and implementing policy for the operation of the Association, including the National Championship. The Executive Council shall review the needs of the Association and prepare and submit a budget for the operation of the Association to the Executive Committee of the National Skeet Shooting Association. The Executive Council shall determine all rules, regulations, and ballot items to be submitted to the National Delegates for their votes.

4. State Associations: An Association recognized by the NSCA, comprised of NSCA members and member clubs within each individual state. The primary function of the State Association is to work with the National Delegate (s) and member clubs to enhance and grow the sport.

    a. By-laws. Each state association shall adopt by-laws in accordance with that state’s laws of associations and shall submit the by-laws to the NSCA for approval. State by-laws must be in compliance, and are subordinate to any rule, regulation, or by-law of the National Sporting Clays Association. Any changes in by-laws must be submitted to NSCA for approval and to be kept on file.

    b. State Fees. State associations may elect to assess residents and non-residents of that state a per target fee, not to be greater than $.03. A state resident, who is a NSCA member in good standing, shall be considered a member of the state association. Funds accrued from per target fees may be used to enhance and grow the sport in that state through grants for range development, youth program developments, or assisting in promoting state and region championship events or such other programs approved by the state association. State funds may not be used for payment of personal services, an honorarium, or personal expenses of any member of the state association.

    i. State Associations cannot charge membership fees. NSCA members in good standing are automatically members of their state Association, if one exists.

    c. Approval of Shoot Dates. Recognized State Associations will be responsible for the approval of the shoot dates for clubs in their state.

5. Regions/Regional Delegates: Regions are groups of states in a particular geographical area. One Regional Delegate is elected from each of the five regions by vote of the National Delegates in that region. Candidates for Regional Delegate must be currently elected National Delegates.

    a. Nominations. Nominations for the positions of Regional Delegates shall be open in September of the odd numbered years, for a period of no less than 21 calendar days. A National Delegate in good standing may self nominate or be nominated by another delegate in good standing in that region. Election of the Regional Delegates shall be held in October of odd numbered years.

    b. Votes Needed for Election. A candidate for the position for Regional Delegate must receive the majority of votes, but no less than five (5), from the currently serving National Delegate in his/her region in order for the election to be valid.

    c. Term of Office. The term of office for all Regional Delegates shall be two (2) years. The term shall begin on the first day of the target year following their election, and shall end on the last target day of the second target year after their election or until a successor has been elected in a valid election.

    d. Vacancies. An election shall be held within 45 days to fill any Regional Delegate vacancies that may occur among the various regions.

    e. Duties and Responsibilities. The Regional Delegates’ duties and responsibilities are set forth in the NSCA Delegates Manual and include organization, coordination, and local oversight of the selection process of the Regional Championship host range, as well as other duties as may be assigned by the Advisory Council or Executive Council.

6. Amendments: This Governance Structure may be amended at any regular or special meeting of the National Delegates by a majority vote of the entire delegate membership. They may be amended without a meeting by written approval, upon mail ballots, signed by a majority of the entire membership of the delegates.